In a time when higher education costs are soaring, Cargill Agricultural Supply Chain North America in Lafayette, Indiana is rising to the occasion. The company recently committed to increase their giving from $5,000 in 2022 to $10,000 in 2023 for senior scholarships through the Indiana 4‑H Foundation. That amount will provide a $2,000 scholarship for a 4‑H member from each of the following counties: Benton, Fountain, Montgomery, Tippecanoe, and White.
Abby Morgan, 4‑H Youth Development Extension Educator in Montgomery County, shared her appreciation. “The Montgomery County 4‑H program is so thankful to Cargill for their continued support of 4‑H youth pursuing their passions. Their support through scholarships not only opens up many doors for our 4‑H members but also helps relieve the financial stress of continuing education on families.”
Scholarship applications were due in January. Recipients of the Cargill Agricultural Supply Chain North America Scholarship, as well as all other 2023 senior scholarship recipients through the Indiana 4‑H Foundation, were announced earlier this year. The recipients of the scholarships from Cargill are as follows:
- Benton County: Jenna Shoults
- Fountain County: Anika Kinnear
- Montgomery County: Caleb Chastain
- Tippecanoe County: Josie Castor
- White County: Tyler Vandeveer

For more information about scholarships available through the Indiana 4‑H Foundation, visit