Ways to Give
Making the Best Better
You’re Making a Difference! Thank You!
Supporters (like you!) of the Indiana 4‑H Foundation are the backbone of the many 4‑H programs in all of Indiana’s 92 counties. Each and every dollar helps our young people achieve their dreams and goals through hands-on learning, traditional projects, innovative technology programs and mentorship by dedicated 4‑H volunteers.
The Indiana 4‑H Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations to the Indiana 4‑H Foundation are tax deductible as allowed by law. For tax purposes, our EIN is 35-1097611. Our mailing address is: Indiana 4‑H Foundation, P.O. Box 3125, Indianapolis, IN 46206
Thank you for your support!
Make a One-Time Gift
Use your credit card for a one-time gift to the general operating fund.
Tributes “in honor of” or “in memory of” someone special also can be made via this link.
Become a Monthly Donor
Use your credit card to contribute a recurring monthly donation to the general operating fund as part of our Clover Community.
More Giving Options
Donate Stock
Gifts of securities are credited on the date of transfer to the Indiana 4-H Foundation and are valued at the mean of the high and the low quoted sales price on that day.
To initiate a stock transfer as a gift to the Indiana 4-H Foundation, please provide Notification of Stock Transfer (IN4H) to your broker.
Please mail this form to our office, then call (765) 224-8244 or email info@in4h.org to let us know a stock gift has been initiated.
By law, the brokerage firm cannot tell the Foundation the name of the donor who initiated the stock gift, and the gift will be considered anonymous unless further information is provided to us by the donor.
For tax purposes, our EIN is 35-1097611.
Federal Employees & Retirees: CFC
If you're a federal employee or retiree, you can give to the Indiana 4-H Foundation through the CFC using charity code 56349.
One of the great benefits of the CFC is that you can give though payroll deduction or through your retiree annuity, giving a little each pay period and supporting our mission all year long. Go to givecfc.org to set up your donation.
Memorial & Tribute Gifts
Memorial and tribute gifts are charitable contributions that support Indiana 4-H and at the same time honor friends and family members.
Memorial gifts make a lasting tribute to the memory of family members and friends. Tribute gifts recognize the contributions and talents of living persons or celebrate a special occasion such as a birthday, graduation or anniversary.
Upon receipt of your gift, the foundation will send an acknowledgement of your thoughtfulness to whomever you designate.
If you want to inform others of your desire for memorial gifts to the Indiana 4-H Foundation, you may wish include the following phrase in an obituary notice:
Memorial contributions may be made to the Indiana 4-H Foundation at PO Box 3125, Indianapolis, IN 46206 or online at in4h.org
For tax purposes, our EIN is 35-1097611.
Legacy/Planned Gifts
Leave your mark on Indiana 4-H and secure your legacy. Those who provide written confirmation of their intent, enjoy membership in our Indiana 4-H Legacy Society. Advance knowledge of individuals’ planned gifts helps the Foundation plan for its longevity.
Indiana 4-H Planned giving, is an easy, affordable, and accessible way to give. You can provide for your family and loved ones and receive tax benefits while helping Indiana 4-H continue to serve young people forever. You can even give to your county!
Because we partner with the Purdue Planned Giving Office and our endowment funds are held at the Purdue Research Foundation, you can rest assured your gift will be soundly stewarded and managed.
For more information about planned giving and to discuss different methods of giving and their benefits, contact our office today.
For tax purposes, our EIN is 35-1097611.
How to Make a Gift in Your Will
Endowments are established with a principal investment donation that remains intact in perpetuity. Interest earned off the principal amount is restricted and used for the donor-specified purpose – such as a named scholarship or program support.
For tax purposes, our EIN is 35-1097611.
Specialty License Plates
Show your clover pride by purchasing an Indiana 4-H Foundation Specialty License Plate!
Plate fees support programs for young people state-wide, and a portion of the money from each plate that is sold goes right back to 4-H in the county where the plate was purchased! You can purchase or renew your Indiana 4-H Foundation Specialty Plate at your local BMV Branch or at www.in.gov/bmv.
Mail Your Check
Indiana 4-H Foundation
PO Box 3125
Indianapolis, IN 46206
For tax purposes, our EIN is 35-1097611.

Charlie Kimball, IndyCar Driver & 4‑H Alumnus
“(4‑H) was almost like management training and an MBA program in my teens.”
Shopping Rewards
Add the Indiana 4‑H Foundation to your Kroger Plus Card to donate a portion of your purchase through Kroger Community Rewards.
After signing up and logging into your Kroger Commnunity Rewards account, search for Indiana 4‑H Foundation or HF209 and then click Enroll.
Any transactions using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your Plus Card will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you!
Get Involved
It’s no secret that Indiana 4‑H is changing the lives of young people all across the state. Today’s Indiana 4‑H youth are tomorrow’s community leaders and difference-makers. But the great programs and opportunities in Indiana 4‑H don’t just happen, the support of people like you make them happen. We can’t do it without you – our alumni and friends, our corporate and community donors, our clubs and volunteers.
Give Time
Indiana 4‑H is ripe with a teamwork atmosphere – everyone pitches in to get the job done. The Indiana 4‑H Foundation is no different.
When you volunteer, you have a chance to make a real difference. You can introduce a family who has never heard of Indiana 4‑H to all of the great things that Indiana 4‑H can offer. You can encourage 4‑H families to start supporting the Indiana 4‑H Foundation so that we can continue to fund the programs and scholarships that they depend on. Click here for more information about volunteering.
The Indiana 4‑H Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations to the Indiana 4‑H Foundation are tax deductible as allowed by law. For tax purposes, our EIN is 35-1097611. Our mailing address is: Indiana 4‑H Foundation, P.O. Box 3125, Indianapolis, IN 46206