From starting as a shy Mini 4‑H’er to being named Second Runner-Up on the 2023 Indiana State Fair Queen’s Court, Breanna Davis of Spencer, Indiana has enjoyed a jam-packed journey during her ten years – and beyond – in 4‑H.
Participating in the Indiana State Fair Queen Pageant on January 6-8 allowed Bre many chances for reflection on that journey.
“When I was announced in the Top 16, I genuinely was so excited and in utter shock, but so grateful because I knew this meant I had the opportunity to give my speech on stage,” Bre shared. “I gave my one-minute prepared speech titled ‘leadership.’ It was all about how I once looked up to leaders as a young kid, and through the 4‑H program learned to become that leader and obtain the traits I was looking up to years ago. In the speech, I encouraged youth to take advantage of opportunities, because they, too, can become the leaders they once admired.”
Bre’s 4‑H leadership resume is notable. She served as president of the Fantastic 4‑Hers, her local 4‑H club, for four years and as Owen County’s Junior Leader club president for two years. She was selected as one of nine 2021-22 Indiana 4‑H Ambassadors. She led a discussion at the Indiana 4‑H Leadership Summit about managing stress and anxiety. All of these experiences helped Bre receive a Leadership Development Accomplishment Scholarship from the Indiana 4‑H Foundation in 2022.
Also in 2022, Bre was selected as Miss Owen County. “I’ve always wanted to be a role model for youth to be more active and involved in my community,” Bre stated about this honor. “I was beyond blessed and excited to represent Owen County on the state level. I got to show, as a biracial woman from a predominantly Caucasian community, that strong women of any ethnic background can pursue and obtain leadership positions.”
When she was then announced in the Top 10 during the State Fair Queen Pageant, she was given a random word on stage to which she had to respond. Her word, poetically, was ‘journey.’ While she responded, Bre was able to appreciate and share about the journey she is on right now, which is pursuing a degree in pediatric dental hygiene at the University of Southern Indiana so that she “can one day change the lives of children one smile at a time.”
After college, Bre looks forward to giving back to 4‑H as a volunteer and providing knowledge to youth about the 4‑H program so they, too, can have life-changing experiences. “I have so many positive memories from the 4‑H program, but the ones most special are where I grew as a leader, saw my hard work pay off, and shared the memories with my family along the way.”
For more information about Indiana 4‑H Foundation scholarships, visit