The 4‑H Foundation’s own, Tom McKinney was recognized as one of the 10 who received the Certificate of Distinction this year at the 2013 Purdue Ag Fish Fry on February 2.
McKinney was elected by a lifelong friend, Mark Townsend for the award. His response when he received the letter was, “Wow.”
The Certificate of Distinction is awarded to recognize those who have contributed to agriculture through professional accomplishments, activity in agriculturally associated organizations, community service, and other activities that make them a credit to their profession.
“It is important to note that you don’t do activities for recognition,” McKinney said. “You do them because there is a need and at some point in time another person ahead of you helped teach and train you to be a leader.
McKinney refers to his efforts and accomplishments as a team approach. He has served in the following: Director of three different bank boards, President of the Purdue Council on Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching, State Farm Services Agency committee, co-advisor of local FFA chapter, vice chair and building committee representative for construction of a community center, the school board and building board, and involvement for an addition to his church.
“Helping to serve Indiana agriculture was and is a good feeling,” said McKinney.
Some of the activities that 4‑H provided for McKinney that impacted him greatly were: 4‑H Roundup, Livestock Forum, State Fair Boys School Counselor and State 4‑H Jr. Leader Conference.