If you’re a federal employee or retiree, then you can “GIVE HAPPY” to the Indiana 4‑H Foundation through the CFC using charity code 56349. One of the great benefits of the CFC is that you can give though payroll deduction or through your...
Building a ready generation in a world of change The Indiana 4‑H Foundation is proud to celebrate National 4‑H Week, October 7-12, 2024. This year, the national organization has launched a new public relations campaign called Beyond Ready. Long before the...
Thanks to a $15,000 grant from Duke Energy, Indiana youth will develop their understanding and knowledge of the energy industry. Duke Energy will supply kits and program materials to allow youth the opportunity to explore the fundamentals of electricity, renewable...
Matching gifts for COVID-19 efforts have been made in the names of these individuals: In Honor of: Patricia Eddleman Cora Flispart Gail Peitzmeier Ray E. Saylor In Memory of: Aimee Bligan Emily Rose...
Shop AmazonSmile and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the Indiana 4‑H Foundation. Simply click on the Get started button below to sign in to Amazon or create an account and then select ‘Indiana 4‑H Foundation’ as...